Friday, March 30, 2012

My week and rambling.

Hubby's grandma Frankie passed on 3/26/12 so it's been a bit of an emotional week for him and his family. 

At 253lbs and size 18/20 1X and 2X pants and XL to 2X shirts.  I love that.  It’s nice to be down this low now time to work on getting even smaller.  It will be a year on April 10th that I’ve been plant based with no added oils and I’m feeling so much better.  If I had known how much better I could feel just by changing to Plant based I would of been back on it sooner.  First time I did plant based with no oils was only due to weight I was young and the weight I am right now and just wanted the weight off.  I let others tell me I needed to get back on the meats and I have lived to learn that I don’t want that.  I have put my body through years of torture for nothing and because of it I have a few issues I still need to work on and of course even though the pain is mainly gone I can’t repair all the damage but I’m going to do my best to repair what can be and to not create more.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Today finds me...

At 253lbs and size 18/20 pants and XL to 2X shirts.  I love that.  It's nice to be down this low now time to work on getting even smaller.  It will be a year on April 10th that I've been plant based with no added oils and I'm feeling so much better.  If I had known how much better I could feel just by changing to Plant based I would of been back on it sooner.  First time I did plant based with no oils was only due to weight I was young and the weight I am right now and just wanted the weight off.  I let others tell me I needed to get back on the meats and I have lived to learn that I don't want that.  I have put my body through years of tortured for nothing and because of it I have a few issues I still need to work on and of course even though the pain is mainly gone I can't repair all the damage but I'm going to do my best to repair what can be and to not create more.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Don't know what is causing it still but I'm still bloating wondering if it's my ovaries causing it because doctor said I would still get some of my monthly issues since he was leaving my ovaries and that was definitely one of my issues before I had my hysterectomy.  Hopefully that will change as I get healthier as well.  Only time will tell. 

Loving losing weight I'm now 253lbs when I'm not bloated. 

Little boy I babysit is such a joy.